A personal comment: Dushka was an
extraordinary person, and like her father,
G I Gurdjieff, left all that met her with
lasting impressions. The last two
weeks before her death scores of friends and acquaintances
world wide called and visited her at Mt
Sinai and many went on to Calvary Hospital
in the Bronx to visit her one last time.
She loved calls and visits, and they
contributed much to her remaining days in
her earthly body.
Dushka was not well for many years. The
month after the above photo was taken she
fell, breaking her hip, and would be
bedridden for her remaining days. Friends
helping, Dushka dedicated these past two
years to the final editing, publication,
sales, and fulfillment-distribution of her
book - a twenty year effort, finally
finished this year.
I, along with
hundreds of others, will miss her. We are
greatly enhanced for having known her and
participating in her book completion and
related projects within the G-H-S. As her
website's webmaster and friend, I felt
honored to know her and to contribute in
some manner to Dushka as she did to my own
life. Now she is liberated from the surly
bonds of earth and lives on in our hearts,
as she continues in her Work. Well done
Dushka ~
"Bravo Sophia!"
SEF 3-28-10