"May reconciliation, hope, diligence and justice be ever with you all.” Gurdjieff, 1912

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All & Everything International Humanities Conference 2017

Wednesday 3rd May to Sunday 7th May, 2017
Krokstad Herrgård Hotel, Säffle, Sweden

Below is the dates & times for Greg Loy's presentations.
Greg is President of the GHS and Publisher of the GIR

Thursday, 4 May 2017

4:15 pm


Greg Loy: Presentation on behalf of Gurdjieff Heritage Society

Saturday, 6 May 2017

2:30 pm


Greg Loy: Presentation about the Gurdjieff International Review



In   New Platz, NY August 6th & 7th!
We hope you can join us for the Whirling Dervish & Persian Sacred Dance workshop. Please remember to RSVP at your earliest convenience.

 Enable images to view Whirling Dervish &  Persian Movements



Komitas ECM records 2451


Dear Friends,


Greetings from Armenia! 

After our  "Music of Georges I. Gurdjieff"  CD release on ECM records we have been working on a new program and now it’s time to share with you our latest news.


The ECM records released our second CD album called 

“Komitas” link


Levon Eskenian formed the Gurdjieff  Ensemble in 2008 to explore the inspirational sources of Gurdjieff’s music.

Komitas was an important reference for Thomas de Hartmann when preparing Gurdjieff’s music for solo piano and the music of Komitas , his articles and essays also influenced Levon Eskenian when preparing his ethnographically authentic arrangements of the G.I. Gurdjieff/Thomas de Hartmann piano music.

 For this and many other reasons it was found relevant to have the music of Komitas on the second album.


The repertoire of the new album is Armenian ancient and medieval, secular and sacred music.

In his work as a collector of thousands of folk songs, sacred songs and instrumental melodies, Komitas explored the connections that uniquely bind together Armenian sacred and secular music.


All of the works are authentically arranged by Levon Eskenian , some of the instruments used date back to antiquity, and it has been necessary to build replicas of those no longer in use.

Many of these dances and their music reach back to Armenia’s pagan time, long before the state adoption of Christianity in 301. Komitas wrote that: ‘The pagans had two major types of dances, sacred and secular, that have kept their original functions to the present day’ – though he noted also that ‘religious traces still survive in folk or secular dances’. 

“Dance”, he further observed, “is perhaps one of the most significant manifestations of human existence. For through its manifold movements dance unconsciously exposes the workings of the spirit.”


To further illustrate one of the dances recorded, the title of Msho Shoror means ‘Shoror of Mush’, the shoror (literally, ‘sway’) being a dance form, this particular one comprising of seven dances associated with pil­grimage to the monastery of Surb Karapet and Msho Shoror includes a wide range of folk dances having origins in the pagan era. On the site of the monastery there was then a temple, dedicated to the central divinity of the ancient Armenian pantheon, Vahagn, god of the sun and also of thunder and lightning, and to Astghik, the goddess of fertility and love. In Armenian mythology Vahagn was born when the universe and its three ele­ments – sky, earth and sea – were in travail, and in the purple sea, from the smoke and flame of a burning reed, came forth the young Vahagn, his eyes as suns. 


Arshak Chobanian, a philologist and close friend of Komitas’s, describes the dance thus: “This is a solemn, ceremonial, almost religious dance, which the pil­grims all dance together: men, women, the elderly and children. It is an infinite round dance, in which two or three hundred people might take part. After a few beats of the drum, calling the dancers to form a circle, the zurna starts to play a swaying melody that leads the circle of dancers in gentle, very muted move­ment. All the dancers seem to be in a deep trance; mute and intoxicated by exquisite and noble feelings, they listen to the melody’s doleful mellifluousness. This must be a very old dance, most probably a remnant from pagan times: a mystic dance to praise a patron god.” 


Msho Shoror comprises seven dance sections: These dances were habitually performed in the vicinity of the monastery, some of them having a subtle swaying motion while others were group dances or reserved for women. The Trnotsi evoked a leap to god.


To hear excerpts from the album and read about the project, please visit the ECM Player



The CD booklet includes an introduction by Tigran Mansurian, liner notes by Levon Eskenian and photos. 


ECM 2451 Komitas. Release date: October 2015 

Availabe at ECM retailers and on amazons 


We look forward to sharing with you our news in the future.


To keep up with our latest news, please follow us onFacebook 


With best wishes,


The Gurdjieff Folk Instruments Ensemble






The Gurdjieff Folk Instruments Ensemble

Dear Friends,
We would like to thank all of you for giving us the opportunity to share Gurdjieff’s music with you.

The Ensemble has had concerts in Armenia, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Poland and the Netherlands.
Our next concerts will be in:
-Lisbon , Portugal on April 23, 2014 at the 
Grande Auditório
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon (link) 
-Sydney, Australia on May 7 and 8 , 2014 at St Andrews College Chapel, Sydney University
-Canberra, Australia on May 11 , 2014 at Canberra International Music Festival
-Zurich , Switzerland on June 22, 2014 at the Kongresshaus Zürich
- Schaffhausen, Switzerland on June 26 , 2014 at the Rathauslaube, Schaffhausen  
-Rudolstadt, Germany at the
Rudolstadt TFF festival (link) on July 4 and 5, 2014
We will continue our tour and perform in the places where there is an interest to hear Gurdjieff’s music, including a trip to America we are planning in the near future.  
We would like to share with you 
a film (link), which was filmed by the Arabic Almayadeen TV channel, in this film you can see footage of the Ensemble playing in Gyumri at the backyard of S. Merkurov’s house where Gurdjieff spent his childhood.
To keep up with our latest news, please follow us on
Facebook and Twitter.
We look forward to sharing with you our work in the future.
With best wishes,
The Gurdjieff Folk Instruments Ensemble

September 2012

Good news to all about the new Howarth Gurdjieff Archive,
on the occasion of Dushka's birthday month!

The archive provides a wealth of previously unpublished multimedia resources
for Gurdjieff Movements teachers and musicians who play for Movements classes.

We are pleased that the final library shipments of the Gurdjieff Movements resources and Dushka Howarth's other archive materials are due by end of September. Next, the research department of the New York Public Library, the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, begins its own archiving process to provide an on-line catalog and non-circulating, public archive access in its secured reading room located at Lincoln Center, NY, NY.

This extensive paper, photographic and mixed media collection at NYPL will be called the "Howarth Gurdjieff Archive. " It is intended to be cross-referenced with other materials at NYPL related to the Gurdjieff Work. Much of the archive contents will be publicly available for the first time.

In the coming months, look in the NYPL on-line catalog and
Finding Aids on the NYPL website for what is publicly available:

We all owe much heartfelt thanks for a wide range of volunteer assistance and donations from supporters around the world. They enabled the preliminary preparations needed for the NYPL curators to assimilate the massive archive collection more effectively.

We are also grateful to NYPL for the Performing Arts which, after a year of exploration and deliberations following Dushka Howarth's death, accepted the voluminous Howarth Gurdjieff Archive. NYPL is now the permanent repository of original Gurdjieff Movements resource materials, many of which become more fragile with age and require preservation expertise. These rare original materials were assembled by Jessmin Howarth and her daughter Dushka Howarth (daughter of George I. Gurdjieff), both renown international Gurdjieff Movements authorities.

With the Howarth Gurdjieff Archive now at NYPL as an invaluable resource for the authentic transmission of the Gurdjieff Movements, the Gurdjieff Heritage Society Inc will focus on other aspects of its mission. This is a new opportunity for anyone who wishes to continue on-going support, or to newly join in. We especially wish to hear again from experienced Movements teachers who expressed an interest in helping with the preliminary archive preparations, but could not because of time or distance limitations. Now we have a new capacity for such volunteer Movements teachers to help remotely over the internet.

In particular, an experiment is being considered to form up to three informal
voluntary "advisory groups." These groups could be connected through the internet
to facilitate international participation, support effective use of the archive at NYPL,
make suggestions and/or provide relevant expertise for future related activities.

If you or someone you know has a special interest or expertise related to any of the following, please join our email distribution list now. Unless you have already done so, please re-join to fill out our brief survey form which is intended to guide later follow-up regarding possible advisory groups:

1) Gurdjieff Movements
2) Gurdjieff Music
3) publication of a possible future second edition of the Howarth memoirs in the future, and/or appropriate archive materials, including
"IT'S UP TO OURSELVES", A Mother A Daughter and Gurdjieff,
a shared memoir and family photo album"

The on-line links to join the email distribution list,
or to re-join for survey questions,
are found at
www.GurdjieffHeritageSociety.org until September 30th, and
continuing thereafter at

In any event, we hope you make good use of the Howarth Gurdjieff Archive, soon and in many years to come.

With best wishes -
Gurdjieff Heritage Society, Inc.

Welcome to




AUGUST 23, 2012

Today I posted the information regarding Dushka's Estate, included is her last requests, her intentions, and her will. We at GHS believe Dushka, knowing her straight forward openness, would approve this. We have received requests for information about her intentions regarding her collection of Gurdjieff related movements and other items of important value, and her intent to make certain that it would be available for public viewing.
        Stephen E Foster (Webmaster) please address any comment or inquiry to inquiries@gurdjieff-heritage-society.org



The "Howarth Gurdjieff Archive" has been officially accepted by the research department of the New York Public Library
A significant portion of Dushka Howarth's personal collection related to the Gurdjieff Work, Gurdjieff Movements and music, has been delivered to the research department at the Jerome Robbins Dance Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts in New York, NY. Many thanks for the recent generous donations and other assistance through the years from supporters who helped make this possible. There is still much more archival preparation work to be done ...
For more detailed news, see both current and continuing updates at http://www.GurdjieffHeritageSociety.org.

After giving NYPL several months for their intake process, you may call the Jerome Robbins Dance Division to inquire about the anticipated date of availability at (212) 870-1657.
Work continues by the Gurdjieff Heritage Society, Inc. to prepare the remaining voluminous and fragile archive materials from Dushka Howarth's estate, including materials from Jessmin Howarth's original Movements notes and resources, before future delivery to the NYPL research department.
For more information how to help, check periodically at http://www.GurdjieffHeritageSociety.org


Work is in progress by the Gurdjieff Heritage Society, Inc. to continue the process started earlier by Dushka Howarth  to transfer her archive materials to the research division of the New York Public Library. The archive includes materials related to the Gurdjieff Movements and music, since both Dushka Howarth and her mother Jessmin Howarth studied Movements directly with Mr. Gurdjieff during the earliest years and were widely known authorities on their original transmission.  

A newer website at http:// www.GurdjieffHeritageSociety.org provides a link for on-line tax-deductible contributions for the much needed support for this effort, through an affiliated, supporting non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status.

The newer website  at http:// www.GurdjieffHeritageSociety.org also has periodic updates regarding progress with the "Howarth Gurdjieff Archive."  Anyone interested in being informed when Dushka's archive of Work materials has been situated for appropriate access for study purposes, please check either website periodically and  join the Gurdjieff Heritage Society email list.

Your informing us of your interest in, any volunteer assistance for, this important archival Work resource is vital and needed support to the overall archive project.

ARCHIVE UPDATES (after the death of Dushka Howarth in 2010), in reverse chronological order:

The first transfer of archive materials to the New York Public Library occurred in September.  Over 100 published books related to the Gurdjieff Fourth Way Work and its students, which NYPL did not already have in its existing collections, were sent to NYPL research division at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street.  These books are being assimilated by NYPL, and are beginning to be available to the public as research materials.  Many are rare, out-of-print, limited editions, private publications, and/or with notations by elders of the Work community. 

You can see a list of the books sent to NYPL at http://www.GurdjieffHeritageSociety.org/pages/ghs-nypl1109-104books.html. You can also look for them in the NYPL on-line catalog at http://catalog.nypl.org.  Use your imagination when searching the NYPL on-line catalog.  Besides using "Author" and "Title" categories for your searches, you can also
(a) use "keywords" category to search authors and titles more broadly,
(b) use English titles and keywords to find non-English materials, and
(c) try alternate spellings.  For example, P. D. Ouspensky is coded as "Uspenskiĭ, P D" by the NYPL.


The future archive collection is expected to be established in the research division of the New York Public Library, under the name "Howarth Gurdjieff Archive,"  with cross-references to materials already in NYPL about the Gurdjieff Work.
Much of the Howarth Gurdjieff Archive is intended primarily to serve as study materials for Gurdjieff Movements teachers and musicians. Other archive materials are of more general interest.

The Howarth Gurdjieff Archive is expected to be available according to NYPL policies for research collections,  for visitors to the NYPL branches where the Howarth Gurdjieff Archive materials will reside (to be determined).
Establishing an archive collection at NYPL is a lengthy process, so please check back for further updates on either of our websites, as archive materials become available over time.  If you wish to be added to the list of those who have requested email notifications, kindly join the Gurdjieff Heritage Society e-mail list as requested above**.

Thank you for your interest and patience. We hope you will make good and appropriate use of the archive materials as they become available, as Dushka wished.

New Book out GURDJIEFF IN THE PUBLIC EYE  By Paul Beekman Taylor

The history of Gurdjieff in newspaper articles, magazines and books during his lifetime traces his public figure; that is, what has been said of him on the world stage. Some of the writers were reporters, others visitors to the Institute or followers, and still others were persons interested in social and religious fads of the day. Many of the newspaper reports that were written by journalists who had neither seen his demonstrations nor listened to him or his followers, invented stories about his activities that pandered to readers intrigued by scandal and the sensational.

Nonetheless, articles printed between 1914 and 1949, the year of his death, constitute a topical history of his life and his work. They constitute a running account of Gurdjieff’s changing public image as a man and a teacher, and provide an insight into the way his teaching was perceived from an age in which theosophy was a prevalent intellectual occupation, before political, economic, and moral concerns captured the public’s attention.

Many of the writers whose work appears here were leading figures in the intellectual and cultural life of their age, among them the editor A. R. Orage, fiction writer Katherine Mansfield, Communist journalist Maurice Donzel, theosophist and actress Maude Hoffman, actress Georgette Leblanc, architect Frank Lloyd Wright, critic Denis Saurat, literary historians Waldo Frank and Gorham Munson, Hollywood screen writer Nunnally Johnson, and the founder and editor of the influential English New Statesman Clifford Sharp. From Paul B Taylor


Available at By The Way Books  Price: $40.00

Date Published: 2011
Edition: First edition
Condition: Paperback in new condition
Book Id: 13965

Description: See above 246 pages

Memorial Events 2010: Reports on Services for Dushka

Click here to see Dushka's Obituary-Bio

On Sunday morning, May 9, In Memory of Dushka, a Mass was celebrated at St. Vartan's Cathedral. Later, a  Requiem Service began around noon. As it was Mother's Day, Jessmin Howarth's name was included. That evening an intimate service was held @ 4:40 in the Chapel where Dushka's remains were transferred from a lovely urn made by Sylvia March to the permanent church urn. A Vespers Service was then held at 5:00pm May 9, which included Dushka's inurnment.

Summary of Events May 21, 2010 at St. Peter's for Dushka’s Memorial Service:

Port o' Monkeys Band ~ Dushka singing ~ An appreciation of Dushka -- Patty de Llosa (text below) ~ Dick Hyman at the piano ~ Speaking of Dushka -- Lillian Firestone & others ~ Poem – Robert Schneck ~ Lord’s Prayer in Russian -The Foundation Choir ~ Georgian "Kartuli" - Victor Sirelson and Partner ~ Gurdjieff music: Duduki and Easter Hymn and Procession in the Holy Night - Meg Sinclair ~ Greek Dance - Livia Vanaver and attendees.

(Patty de Llosa): "As Dushka’s oldest friend here, we grew up together, it falls on me to welcome everyone to this celebration of her life. So welcome to the many who’ve come from the Gurdjieff Foundation, and those from Warwick and Claymont and Philadelphia and the West Coast. Welcome all! Dushka's ashes are right over there...

What’s that? Excuse me? Dushka? You’d like to welcome them yourself with a song? Ok.
                                    (DUSHKA SINGS)

When I think of Dushka, three words come to mind: Talent, Fidelity and Courage. She and I had extraordinary parents*, hard to live up to, so I know she had a struggle to become her own person. You will read about her in the small biography in your program, but let me say that at 25 she spent time with her father, G. I. Gurdjieff in the last year of his life and recorded much of the music he played on the harmonium, which has recently become available to the public.

She started off as a publicist for up and coming young stars of stage and screen, including Dick Hyman, who has come here tonight to help us celebrate. Her talent showed up as she learned the guitar and began to sing and play in performance, finally becoming a cruise entertainment leader on the Greek Line.

When her mother became elderly she left that job and came home to be with her. That’s where the loyalty comes in. And the courage? After her Mother died she taught herself computer techniques and in spite of heart attacks, fractures and illnesses which left her bedridden in the last few years, she put together a book which she published early this year, “It’s up to ourselves:” A Mother, A Daughter and Gurdjieff. So perseverance is another word we can apply to her.

Excuse me, Folks. Dushka’s talking to me again. Enough talking? You want a dance? Is Livia anywhere around? And you want to know where’s Dick Hyman? He’s right over there and he’s going to play for us after the dance".

                                  RIBBON DANCE
                                               DICK HYMAN PLAYS

"Have I mentioned Dushka’s adopted son? I bet you didn’t know she had one! But it’s Robert Schneck, who will read a poem he wrote for Dushka".

One of the people who has most cared for and taken care of Dushka in the last few years when she was bedridden is Lillian Firestone. Lillian will be the MC for the rest of the evening".

Patty de Llosa
  *(Patty is daughter of Dr. William and Louise Welsh)




Created by for Gurdjieff Heritage Society, Inc ~ Copyright 2006 ~ Dushka Howarth, President ~ New York  ~ All Rights Reserved ~
 Email The Society

     Photographs on this website appear in Jessmin & Dushka Howarth's Book "It's Up To Ourselves" A Mother, A Daughter, and GURDJIEFF